Third Edition Notes (Edits will be written in red) I stand by the above statements. In spite of the huge growth in the economy in 2019 wealth, when considered in its entirety was not being shared equitably. I’ll explain why when I discuss the New Economy Definitions section of this book. Let suffice that phrases like “Trickle Down” “Supply side Economics” “Tipping Point “etc. all of which drive market investing or selling are in that academic category of philosophical trend phrases usually created by graduate schools of the IVY League. They are rarely or ever based on the fact of the USE and ABUSE Continuum the country and the world so solely need especially after the rude awakening of the COVID-19 Epidemic that made us all realize that we, too, are an endangered species and have to look at our lives and production in terms of the effects upon the balance of nature as well as the Seven Essential Needs of the citizens of our Democratic Republic. It is a difficult time to “draw back” to a plan that considers first for defense, our Democratic Republic of America, that seems after this period of Internationalism we all love being part of the world and the technology of the internet has brought human beings in many good ways together in a true understanding of our humanity.